surprises in my backyard + recliner perks 🦋

I stepped out barefoot to greet my yard friends. Anyone in need of tender love? A sprinkling of water, a handful of ‘feather meal’, a nudge to grab and climb the trellis.

As I lazed my way through the dirt, half rubbing my eyes, I jumped with delight! The first cauliflower bud was peeking from one of the big, leafy bouquets at the edge of the veggie bed. I blew kisses at it, showered it with praises, I am sure it received with a perky smile.

And then, just as I turned around, there was another surprise - the first bright orange flower from the pumpkin vines. I squealed again with joy, telling them how magical it was what they had done!

In summer mornings you’ll find me in my yard tending to or talking to my yard friends. And in spare moments of the afternoon, on my recliner, peaking at the blue sky between the maple leaves.

Occasionally, I stress about work projects I ‘should’ be working on. But it blows away in the breath out moments from being with nature. Like a monarch butterfly landing on a periwinkle delphinium, a relatively new and enchanting addition to my yard family. The squealing of my kids as they run through the sprinkler really kicks my ‘to dos’ to the curb!

Moments like these make me realize how the most cherishable moments rarely feel the most productive. And it's not only ok to give into them but it's worth giving weight to experiences like this.

Even when their supposed ‘usefulness’ isn’t obvious to our overachieving left brain.

Perhaps I cultivate presence through experiences like this?
Taking in all the shades of green when the light shines through the maple. Isn’t it the same presence with which I listen in to the subtleties of what my clients need that is hidden in plain sight and hence hardest to see for most experts?

It’s possible that from that little frolic with my kids and a fullness of breath, flows a caring touch and a spark of intuition that says a lot more to a nervous system than my conscious nerding out with anatomy, neuroscience and movement science.

What's an experience that you’re giving into this summer?

Pleeee…ease hit reply and tell me! A glimpse into your summer would feel like strawberry lemonade crafted by my kids and served to me on my recliner on a hot, hot day ! :)
And it doesn't have to be about gardening.


P.S. If you need 1:1 support for putting you back on the trail (or court or horse or bike) without pain or strain, there are very limited spots for summer consultations. Grab’em here!​

P.P.S. If you’re interested in The Sensory Movement Club, click here to add yourself to the interest group. You’ll be the first to know.

Shrutee Sharm