Who is your Heather?

I was standing in the plumbing aisle at Home Depot, staring down at the mind boggling array of irrigation pipes, T-joints and micro sprinklers. Totally second guessing myself for taking on this new project.

Last fall I had promised myself that I won’t plant any seeds until I had figured out a way to scale my gardening hobby with an irrigation system.

I can’t tell you how many times I stood on my deck last couple summers, taking myself on a guilt trip about the droopy leaves of veggie starts, I hadn't had the time to water while the summer sun was cooking them dry!

Can you relate? Something that used to be a relaxing hobby turning into a stressful nightmare because life has changed - you are juggling work, kids’ summer camps and getting on your paddle board (aka getting your ‘slice of summer’ moments!)

Enter Heather - a stocky woman with salt and pepper hair tied up in a ponytail. She is swiftly picking out hardware parts like a ninja.

I am in awe of her expertise in the matter and blurted out - “somebody knows what they’re doing!” She turns to look at me, her gray eyes completely understanding of my predicament. Then asks me a few questions about what I’m trying to do, like the size of my veggie beds, do I have my plants neatly in a line or scattered.

Then she spends the next 10 minutes showing me exactly what I need to get started on my drip irrigation. I’m at the checkout counter, beaming and raring to go to work in my yard.

Six weeks later, our family still remembers Heather. She helped me transform how we interact with our backyard.

The yard is full of early summer harvests - sun gold cherry tomatoes that burst in your mouth with flavor, baby pumpkins that double in size every couple days and heirloom corn ears sprouting out of the sides of tall green stalks.

We spend more time reading in the gravity chair, eating breakfast, basking in the morning sun.

The world is richer with people and experiences like this. People like Heather get us to our goal with lightning speed!

I wish I’d done this sooner!! All I had to do was show up in the plumbing aisle. And there would be a ‘Heather’ waiting to show me the way!

I feel that there is a guide waiting for us at all times. It’s the journey that we have to take to say ‘Heck yes, I want this right NOW!’

And it can be sooner than we think. I’m making 2023 my year to shorten the lead time in asking for support and cutting out ‘unnecessary pain’ (more on that in another post).

Would you like me to be ‘your Heather’? Reach out to me for 1:1 support. You’ll be surprised at how easefully and methodically you'll recover your body freedom and confidence to get back on the court (or mountain if you’re a hiker, climber, bicyclist). I can picture you telling me, “Shrutee, why didn’t I find you sooner’ like many of my clients do.

I'm a press of a 'reply button' away. No Home Depot trips needed, although I'd be over the moon to see you in the plumbing aisle. ;)

Cheering cherry tomatoes from the yard 🍅,

P.S. Hit reply and tell me your ‘Heather story’ - when someone showed up from the woodwork and lit your path? I’d love to hear it. 😀

Shrutee Sharm